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3 Fibroid Healing Goals to Set this Month

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There’s always lots of talk about wellness goals, especially during the new year and mid-year. But what if making all of these big lofty health goals aren’t actually that great for your overall well-being.

Over the last few years, I’ve decided to keep my fitness/wellness goals simple. No weight loss targets. No strict exercise regimens. No calorie counting.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to be a healthier version of myself. But for me, that means managing my overall well-being. That looks like focusing on nourishing my body with the right things so that I have more energy and eliminate fibroids.

Wellness also looks like creating better routines. Here are 3 items to replace or add to your current wellness plans for this month:

Matcha green tea is filled with antioxidants that are helpful for healing from uterine fibroids.


Matcha green tea is filled with antioxidants that are helpful for healing uterine fibroids.

3 Simple Wellness Goals

  1. Get 1 more hour of sleep – I’ve committed to squeezing in at least 2 naps a week. Rest is crucial to achieving hormonal balance. Stress is one of the main causes of hormonal imbalance, and estrogen dominance (a form of hormonal imbalance) is thought to be the cause of uterine fibroids. If you like to watch tv at night or work on your laptop, I highly recommend blue light glasses. They keep me from having that “wired” feeling before bed.

  2. Drink 2 cups of tea daily – This one is kind of a way of tricking myself into staying hydrated. I’m TERRIBLE when it comes to drinking water, but I love tea. The bonus is that in addition to hydration, some herbal teas are known to support the uterus and assist with hormonal balance. Just be sure to avoid artificial sweeteners and refined sugar. I drink matcha almost every day, and I usually have herbal tea after lunch.

  3. Stretch daily – Improving circulation is extremely important for fibroid symptom relief and reduction. Even if yoga isn’t your thing, incorporating hip stretches and side twists post work out or before bed can help improve circulation to your womb.

Fibroid Healing Goals Meditation.png

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