
10 Ways to Ease Into the New Year

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The New Year signifies a new beginning and an opportunity for a fresh start. Sometimes our excitement for the possibilities can make us overzealous when it comes to setting goals. For most people, the holiday season is hectic and even stressful. So jumping right into new goals without taking a moment to refresh isn’t a productive strategy. Instead, finding ways to ease into the New Year is more helpful.

Before you go full force into your goals, take the time to reflect and focus on things that make you feel better and enhance your life overall. Use the first few weeks to help you feel more energized and optimistic.

1. Take a Mental Health Day

ways to ease into the new year
There’s no shame in snuggling in your robe all day if you really need a break.

Before you make any big plans for the year, take a day or two to relax and refresh yourself mentally and physically. When it comes to finding ways to ease into the new year, this one is absolutely key.

2. Write it Down

Jot down the things you accomplished or persevered through in the previous year. Before you look forward, take a moment to look back. This exercise will help you cultivate gratitude for how far you’ve come and motivate you to go even further.

You can even take this one step further by implementing a journaling practice, which I started last year and absolutely love.

3. Schedule Your Time Off

This year I had big plans to travel more and meet up with friends in other cities. But when it came down to it, my follow-through rate was abysmal. So, going forward, I’m going to add this time to my schedule ahead of time and save for it.

4. Schedule Your Wellness Appointments

From dental appointments to OB-Gyn appointments, go ahead and get them on the calendar to avoid the end-of-the-year scramble to use your benefits. Check out my Wellness Planner to get ahead of the game with your health.

5. Come Up With a Master Affirmation

ways to ease into the new year

Is there an affirmation that resonates with you or speaks to how you want to feel or show up in the world? Write or print out this affirmation and place it somewhere you can see it.

6. Create a Personal Sanctuary

Whether it’s a small corner, your patio, or your work desk, find a space that’s just for you. Organize and beautify it with things that bring you joy and peace. I even have a whole post about creating a peaceful and productive workspace, so you can start there.

7. Reach Out

Reconnect with those you’ve been out of touch with. Make a list of friends and family you’ve been meaning to reach out to and do it.

8. Organize Your Kitchen

It’s probably a safe assumption that if you’re reading my blog, you’re into wellness and strive to eat well and cook more at home. A well-organized kitchen will help with that. More about this here.

9. Write Your Future Self Vision

ways to ease into the new year

Write out exactly how you envision yourself in 10 years. Get really detailed. From how you look, your thoughts, and what your career will look like. Refer to this every so often or when you have to make decisions for your life.

10. Make a “Don’t” List

Are there things you spent time on in the previous year that were unsuccessful, didn’t make you feel good, or simply don’t work for you? Make a list of these things and reflect on you can avoid them going forward.

After you’ve done these things, you’ll find a great sense of accomplishment simply from taking care of yourself first. Focusing on your mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being will put you in the best position to thrive all year long.

Feel free to revisit this list of ways to ease into the new year throughout 2023 and repeat it anytime you need to reset. After all, January isn’t the only time you’re allowed to reset and make new goals.

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